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Video of Wahoo Fishing

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This video series will show you the basics of fishing for wahoo. These videos will help you catch the largest fish in the ocean and show you how to hook them. Rick Dawson, Shawn Olds, RJ Boyle and Shawn Olds share their experience and expertise as wahoo fishermen. Take a look at their videos on wahoo fishing and you could be one of the lucky ones.

Rick Redeker

There are many aspects to Wahoo Fishing. However, there is one consistent aspect: the ability capture the largest fish possible. Rick Ross's approach involves using more tackle and working in areas that allow him to catch bigger fish. You'll also learn the mental approach to catching the biggest fish possible, including productive spots, driving edge techniques, and how to handle a monster when it bites.

Each part of the rig and terminal tackle that is used to hook a wahoo are discussed, beginning with the reel and progressing to the hook. This article will show you how to use wire, mono and braid as rigging. It also explains the importance of not stretching your rig, which can lead to hook pulls or missed gaff shots. For a successful wahoo fishing trip you will need to use the correct rigging.

These videos will show you how to catch the largest wahoo possible. High Speed trolling for Wahoo (the first) is quite long. You can however cut it into short segments to discover the best ways to catch the biggest fish. High Speed Trolling For Wahoo II is a more detailed video that covers many topics, including techniques for wahoo fishing.

RJ Boyle

RJ Boyle’s wahoo fishing videos provide a wonderful way to learn about the secrets and tactics that make catching these massive fish a joy. These videos cover everything from the best tides to trolling speeds to how to rig lures. It's easy to learn everything from one source. Here is a summary of what each video can teach you.

RJ Boyle, a local mariner, has been fishing for more than 20 years. He has many talents, including the ability to pitch a 90-mph fastball, book cutting-edge alternative music artists, and create an exquisite work of art depicting his catch. RJ Boyle can create a captivating video that you can watch while on vacation. We are looking forward to hearing from YOU!

Shawn Olds

This course will teach you how to catch and release wahoo. It also covers the use of terminal tackle and the rig. Shawn Olds' wahoo fishing videos feature two wahoo professionals who go back and forth to share their wahoo angling secrets. They begin with the reel, and then work their way down to the hook. They discuss whether wire, mono or braid is best. Also, they explain why stretching the line can cause a lot of trouble in pulling hooks.

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The videos include Capt. Shawn Olds and RJ Boyle. This course will teach you how to rig lures and the best tides for catching wahoo. RJ Boyle's wahoo fishing videos can also help you improve your knowledge of the rig. These wahoo fishing videos can help you become a better fisherman.

Night Runner charters offers fishing trips to the Bahamas. Some of the folks fight their fish from the standing position. Penn Tackle sponsors the boat. Their high-quality reels are lightweight and very comfortable to use. Penn Squall reels, which are both durable and easy to use, are also good choices. Super-braids of 60 pounds test provide excellent strength.

Corey's wahoo hunting theories

Corey's wahoo fishing theory is that you need to drive the edge to attract a spotted wahoo. This can be done by driving in a straight line but is more effective for trolling in the zig-zagging pattern of coral reefs. A trolling rod with high speed will work better to lure the spotted wahoo. Corey also discusses the mental approach needed for catching the elusive wahoo.

It is vital to keep your distance during the feeding hours of wahoo (dawn/dusk). The more drastic the change, the more likely it is that the fish will bite. If given the chance, a wahoo will lay down like a mouse. If you are unable to keep up with the wahoo, it is impossible to catch them. But if you are lucky, the wahoo will strike and you'll be rewarded with a delicious catch.

Another myth surrounding wahoo fish fishing is that if you hook an wahoo and it bit, it is not a wahoo. Instead, a wahoo may bite a lure but be uninterested. A wahoo will only strike when it is submerged. It's also important to keep in mind that wahoo rarely strikes lures.

Rick's wahoo rig

Rick's wahoo-rig video series is a valuable resource for novice angling pros looking to learn how to catch big, fat wakamas. Rick answers questions about wahoo fishing tackle and lures. He also explains the barometer of your choice. Learn about trolling depth, tide windows, water movement, and more. You'll feel confident and empowered knowing you're doing it right.

You might be surprised how difficult it is to fish with a wahoo-rig. Rick and another pro wahoo fisherman show various techniques in Rick's videos. This accelerates the learning curve. These videos contain a lot of useful information that will help you feel confident about catching big waka.

Rick is fishing with a boat measuring 9.5 inches. It's one of the most famous wahoo video fishing rigs. Rick creates his own trolling lure spreads by rigging lures. He can teach you everything about the rig and the proper fishing technique. He also teaches children to fish. His YouTube channel is full of instructional videos and is a great resource for learning how to rig a wahoo rig.

Rick trolling at high speed for wahoo in this video

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In this wahoo fishing video, Rick McLaughlin answers your questions on everything from lure colors to barometer of choice, favorite lead size, desired trolling depth, tidal windows and water movement. This video will help you catch big wahoo. Whether you're fishing the Bahamas or the Great Lakes, Rick's techniques will help you catch more wahoo.

High-speed trolling is a great way to find wahoo. You will get amazing results with intense bursts or blistering strikes, and periods that are full of anticipation. This is the best method to catch a wahoo. In minutes, you'll feel hooked by the screams from a drag-screaming wahoo. Here's how.

First, you need to know where to cast your line. You can use either a small jig, or a lure. Smaller ones will not be attracted by the lure and will instead run. Larger fish will approach your boat. This technique requires a small bait and wire line. The lures should reach 14-16 knots. Keep in mind that larger fish will often come on wires or downlines.

Rick's wahoo and fishing theory

To catch big wahoo you must know how to find them. You can learn many things from Rick Ross and his extensive experience fishing for wahoo. His secrets include expanding your tackle to use larger gear and troll at higher speeds. He also shares his mental approach to catching big fish. Learn how to spot big Wahoo, how to locate them, and how they will interact with you when they reach your boat.

Wahoo is a structure-oriented fish. They tend to hang around weedlines, drifting debris, and temperature breaks. They will bite on fast-moving baits if they are able to. In fact, wahoo rarely strike lures. They prefer baits that move on water's surface to eat. You can catch wahoo by finding structures that they hang on. These structures can be found along the coasts of Florida and near Key West on the rocky continental shelf.

To find wahoo, you can drive along the water's edge. This requires an in-depth understanding of the movement of lures. While lures in shallow waters may be able to catch wahoos but not those on steep edges, they should still attract the fish. In addition, edge trolling can produce big wahoo if done correctly. Rick has a wahoo fishing theory.


Can I fish throughout the day?

Yes, you can fish anytime of the day. Only times that fishing is banned are when you can fish.

Do I need special permits to fish?

If you are planning to take fish out-of-state or across county lines, then no. Many states allow anglers fishing without a license. Find out the requirements by contacting your local Fish & Wildlife authority.

To fish, you will need a Bobber

Yes! A bobber helps keep the bait in place when you fish. There are two parts to a bobber: the float, and the line. Casting a lure requires that you attach the hook at the end of your line. Next, you need to cast the line out and let go. The lure can sink in the water if the bobber isn't used.

Where can you find the best fishing spots?

You can fish in many places around the globe. Many people love fishing in public parks and private ponds.

Is it possible to fish at night or during the day?

But you must ensure that you use artificial light. Fisherman use artificial light to attract fish. These lights work best after the sun sets because fish are more active at night.

How long is the best fishing rod?

The type of fish you are trying to catch will determine the length of your fishing rod. If you want to catch smallmouth bass, a rod of 6'6 inches would be the best. If you want to catch largemouth bass, however, a 7’5" rod might be more suitable.

How do I clean a fish?

There are many ways to clean a fish. One way is to take out the head and guts. After that, rinse the fish with cold running water. The fish can also be gutted by you. This involves removing the intestinal lining and cleaning the interior cavity. Finally, you might ask someone else for assistance in cleaning the fish.


  • You likely have a fish hooked if the bobber moves erratically for over 5 seconds. (tailoredtackle.com)
  • For most freshwater species you are most likely to target when first starting out, a reel size of 20 to 30 should be more than enough! (strikeandcatch.com)
  • To substantiate this theory, Knight attempted a systematic inquiry by considering the timing of 200 'record' catches, more than 90 percent were made during a new moon (when no moon is visible). (myfwc.com)
  • Coarse fishing is 100% catch and release these days. (linesonthewater.anglingtrust.net)

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How To

How to Cast a Fishing Rod Perfectly

Casting a fishing pole requires that you use your wrist to guide the rod's handle toward the water. The rod should be held slightly away from the body so that it is parallel to the ground. Keep the rod's tip parallel to the water when you move it forward. The fish will not bite if the tip touches the water's surface prior to the line reaching the bottom. You can increase the distance between the tip of the rod and the surface of the water by practicing this technique.

These are some tips that will make casting a fly rod easier if you aren't confident enough.

First, hold the rod as close to your chest as possible. You can control the rod's direction by this method without having to bend down.

You may also want to place a tripod along the shoreline or on top of a rock ledge when casting heavy rods. You'll be able rest your rod securely and still have control of the reel.

Third, you might consider buying a smaller reel as an alternative to a larger one. A low-cost spinning reel will allow for you to cast greater distances. It will also improve your hand eye coordination.

Fourth, you may also want to consider purchasing a fishing pole holder. These holders are designed to keep the rod upright and hold it securely. They are easy to store after use and protect the rod against damage.

Fifth, practice casting until the motion becomes natural. It takes time to master the art of casting a fishing rod.

Sixth, patience and perseverance are the keys to fishing success. Waiting for the right moment is crucial. Once the strike occurs, you must work hard to reel in the fish.


Video of Wahoo Fishing